Voki, Movie Maker and Class Dojo all added in what can only be described as frenzied website activity before GPP starts. You're welcome.
Last day of Uni until January. Looking forward to getting GPP started now - it'll be Christmas before we know it! Always nice to spend your holidays working on assignments, so this will be no exception!

Anyway, getting ahead of myself there...

Initial section on Comic Life added, plus a slightly frustrated look at Monkey Jam - see Animation and Stories section. Shame to see Audacity webpage is down, hopefully I can look at that later.

...or a useful classroom resource?

Espresso added to the 'Other Resources' Section.

Drink it in, it always goes down smooth.
GPP is creeping up fast, and as a result updates to my webpage have slowed down somewhat. I'll look to add a couple more pick n mix items asap, but it's looking likely that uses of ICT during GPP will be my next main updates.
After my last update regarding classroom survey programs, this week finally allowed me to experience a specialised classroom voting system: Activote.

I've added initial details on the relevant page.

ps - this photo shows a bar chart depicting the results of a 'what shape is the sun?' question...it seems some people chose triangle.

Most of the pages are in place now, including a GPP section ready for updates in 5 weeks! I also started looking at classroom voting systems but was sidetracked by a similar resource called SurveyMonkey - check the relevant page for details. There's been a few IWB additions, and my next aim is to look for some animation/storyboard programs.